FactoryPMI 3.3.0 Beta available in the integrator portal

For you early adopters out there, check out the new FactoryPMI 3.3.0 beta in the integrator portal. The changelog entry is:

[li]New: Table component now supports cell editing.[/li]
[li]New: Status Chart component shows intuitive history of discrete datapoints.[/li]
[li]New: Tab Strip component makes implementing attractive window-navigation a snap.[/li]
[li]New: Dropdown now supports 3 selection modes: Strict, Lenient, and Editable[/li]
[li]New: New scripting library “fpmi.dataset” makes script-based dataset manipulation much easier.[/li]
[li]New: More tabs in the Diagnostics pane to provide better on-the-spot troubleshooting.[/li]
[li]New: Table component now stores column configuration in accessible dataset, making dynamic
changes to column configuration much easier.[/li]
[li]New: Console page in the Gateway provide on-line access to the Gateway logs and adjustable loglevels.[/li]
[li]Improved: More intuitive customizer for the Multi-State Button component.[/li]
[li]Improved: Added x-axis margin property to the Easy Chart component.[/li]
[li]Improved: Bar chart has gradient highlight and drop shadow options for extra eye-candy.[/li]
[li]Fixed: Added startup flag to disable Direct3D rendering pipeline to resolve Java 6u10 performance issues.[/li]
[li]Fixed: SQLTags startup much faster for large tag counts.[/li]
[li]Fixed: Dataset aggregate expressions failed for datasets with more than ten thousand rows.[/li]
[li]Fixed: Bug that caused data crossover in tag binding number-to-color mappings configuration.[/li]
[li]Fixed: “fpmi.nav.swapTo” logic altered to ensure that target is always opened.[/li]
[li]Fixed: NPE setting date popup selector’s date property to null.[/li]
[li]Fixed: Edit/Duplicate function failed for components with higher-order UTF-8 characters.[/li]
[li]Fixed: Easy Chart poll rate didn’t get set in realtime mode if it was set in historical mode.[/li]
[li]Fixed: Bug in logging system that could cause an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on the console page.[/li]
[li]Fixed: System/Client/System/JavaVersion tag now displays useful information for Java 6.[/li]
[li]UTH: Upgraded internal charting library.[/li][/ul]