Faulted database connection?

Hi all,

I am attempting to setup a database connection in Ignition for the first time. I am using SQL Express 2022. I have tried lots of different settings in the gateway, but I keep getting "faulted" as my status.

I installed SQL Express 2022 and created a database called "database1." Do I need to do anything else in SSMS for the database to be functional. I have installed the MySQL Connector/J driver. I setup the database in the gateway follows:

Config>Databases>Database Connections>Create new Database connection>MySQL

Connect URL= jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/SQLEXPRESS1
Should this be equal to "Server Name"? I have tried both. "SQLEXPRESS1" and "DESKTOP-S2UTNSE\SQLEXPRESS1," but both result in faults.

Username/Password have been verified to work in SSMS per SQL Server Authentication.

Extra Connection Properties: databasename=database1
Database1 is the name of my database in MySQL

That is the driver for MY SQL. Not MS SQL
Choose MSSql as the driver.

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I had tried both, still faulted with MSSQL, unfortunately.

You are using SQL Express. That doesn't allow user/password authentication by default. (You will regret using it when you hit its size limits, too.)

jdbc:sqlserver://localhost\SQLEXPRESS1 should work fine if your database is running on the same machine, and if you left the port as the default 1433.

I've had no problems with user/password authentication with SQL Express. I would however agree with Phil and say that you should only use Express for testing on a dev environment (because of its size limits). In production, use SQL Server if you must use MS SQL.

The status page for database connections provides a more detailed message when the connection is faulted. What is the error message when you click on "Error" or the Details button on the Status page?

The docs have a lot of useful information, don't forget they exist.

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