[FEATURE-13741] Drawing tools in perspective

If you're talking about Vision's drawing tools, then comparing these to InkScape is like comparing Paint to Photoshop or Gimp (no offence to IA!!). Vision's drawing tools get you the barebones basics, but it's no comparison to a fully fledged drawing package in its functionality or its ease of use, but nor is it supposed to be. That's what a drawing package is for.

That being said, I believe the new drawing tools for Perspective are a huge leap from the drawing tools in Vision, so I'm excited to check them out.

I think the most painful part at the moment is editing SVGs that have lots of bindings. If for example you want to add or modify elements, it's a nightmare. Especially since moving elements around within the elements array is so damn hard if you've got bindings on the items within the elements, since bindings are tied to fixed indices and do not move when you move array indices around (major bug IMO). I really hope that this process is made a whole lot simpler in the new drawing tools and that they especially don't suffer from this major flaw!!



Just ignore this "It’s easy enough to work around," as it most definitely is not easy to work around if you have a complex structure

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