[FEATURE-14194] Retrieving Lat / Lng Bounds from the Perspective Map Component

I am bringing layers in from our GIS API, but in order for the layer to scale correctly when the map is moved or zoomed in I need the upper and lower bounds for the map. I’ve looked through the leaflet documentation and found two methods that I would like to be able to use: the getBounds() method that returns the lat / lng bounds for the map, and the toBBoxString() method that returns a string with the bounding box coordinates. Is there any way to use this in Ignition and bind the returned values to a map property?


Yes, we have plans to add this and other methods on the component so that you can get bounds, zoom levels, fly to coordinates, etc. We have a long list of features and functionality to add to the map component.


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Thanks for the reply. Is there any way to access some of the methods that are already in the PerspectiveMap.js file via scripting in Ignition? If not, do you know the expected time frame before some of this additional functionality will be available?


I’ll see if we can push this to the top of the stack for next week, and if so, it should be available sometime next week. Stay tuned.


Thanks! I really appreciate that.

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Just a quick update. It’s currently going through our QA process and if all goes well it should be available soon. It exposes 17 script callable map methods and adds 7 more map specific component events. Thanks for your patience.



Great! Thanks for following up. I really appreciate you guys pushing this up your list. This update should make this project go a lot smoother. I’m eager to see what all you guys have added.


Good news.

The latest nightly includes the features you requested and many more. You can read up on these here: http://forum.inductiveautomation.com/t/new-perspective-map-component-gets-script-callable-methods-and-more-component-events
