[FEATURE-14698] Automatic min/max on defined axis in Time Series Chart

In the new Time Series Chart, when no axes are defined, the data uses auto-generated axes that have dynamic min/max values. This is great except for when I want to define an axis, suddenly I lose this dynamic min/max value feature. I got around this by simply defining a binding that takes the max of my data set and adds a padding value to it and using that for the axis’ max value, but having the feature built into the chart just like it already is for the automatic axis creation would be really useful.

Hi @md.szyman, we can add an “auto generate” option that can be toggled for the creation of the min/max values on axis. The axes config for each of the trends is meant to be a way to have full control over the data/display for any axis built there (including having hard min/max boundaries). That said; this convenience would be pretty handy, as you mentioned.

The reason I want to have this is so that I can combine multiple series’ on one axis instead of having four separate ones, and having the min/max be generated automatically.

Combining multiple series on a single axis is currently doable by having multiple trends within the same plot. If the trends exist in the same plot, they will be overlaid instead of stacked. Each of those trends can point to a different series, and also pointed to the same axis so that only a singe axis is visible. This gives the ability to tie multiple series to a single axis.

I imagine that is what you’re doing to get the right look, but you’re asking for the ability to have the axis be auto-generated based on the series that are bound to it?

Right yes. By “four separate ones” I meant four separate axes but the four series are on the same plot. When putting multiple series on one plot, it generates four separate axes unless you assign one.

But yes, this is what I want, auto generated based on the multiple series that are bound to it, but displaying as a single axis.

I know I’m trying to wrap my head around this before coffee, but do you want the min/max of all four together, or for each one separately? I read it as the first one, but I need that extra bit of clarity. :slight_smile:

All together.

I have four series on the same plot, all sharing an axis, so I want the axis to re-scale based on the min/max across all four of the series.

Thanks, Mark. I haven’t played around with the Time Series Chart much, yet, but if I get a bit of time today, I’ll see if I can get a workaround put together.

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I currently do have a workaround. I have max (my min is 0) bound to the data property, and then a script transform figures out the maximum value in that dataset, and then adds a percentage for some padding.

It works quite well, but would be nice to have this functionality baked in.

Ah. Ok then. I guess I’ll just have to do paperwork all day. Heh.

Gotcha; sounds good. I will log a feature request.


Has this request been met? I do not have a work around for it currently.

@acasey, this went out in 8.0.12, I believe.

@jball I can’t seem to find the auto size. Would you be able to explain this further? I’m using 8.0.14

@acasey, This just happens automatically if you haven’t specified a plot and trends/axes. Additionally, if you have specified a plot and trends/axes, you would need to enter values for the min and max properties of the axis to lock it down to a range that you would like displayed. If those values aren’t entered (the default configuration), that axis will be built using the upper and lower ends of the trend data to which it is bound.

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