[FEATURE-15018] TimeSeriesChart Bar Graph

In the attached image, i show the properties of the time series chart i have configured and the properties. I can’t find a way to increase the width of the bars in the graph.

Is there a way to increase the width of the bar graph in the time series chart?

Hello @jramirez3, the width is auto-calculated based on zoom level. As you zoom in, the width will increase; zoom out, decrease.

I can see how that would be cumbersome in your use case where you have a single event that occurs at noon with large gaps of time in between. I will open a feature request to make the state style objects (normal, selected, etc.) extensible so that adding a width property will let you manually set the width.

Ok, thank you. Can you link to this post when that is finished?

No prob; we’ll let you know when this makes its way into a nightly build.

Do we know if the width property has been already added?


Same question that marcos. Width property doesn’t work for me in ignition 8.0.16.

Is there any updates on this feature?