In Vision Easy Chart we have selectedXValue to detect cursor location on the time series. Do we have something similar for the Perspectives Time Series Chart?
Currently, we do not. The x-trace is only on screen during the mouse hover state of the chart (unless viewing via mobile which is touch responsive), so it’s data point is not surfaced via a property. That said, it wouldn’t be a hard addition. I will open a feature request.
Thank you. To allow us to interact with the chart and select data for further analysis. It is a needed feature.
Has this been implemented? I also need the ability to interact with the chart so that a user can exclude certain data points from the Control chart.
Yes it has been implemented. However, the Power Chart component is a far better tool to use.
Cheers, I see now the timestamp is exposed in the X-Trace values property.
As much as I want to use the power chart, the data I’m displaying has production context. So my queries are built around pulling all data points for product X or product Y. I looked at the DB Table Historian Provider but don’t see that I can really use it, hence I’m stuck with the Time Series Chart, which is a shame as I want to exclude data points and add annotations. If I’m missing an obvious way to still use the DB Table Historian Provider, I’m all ears…!
I'm looking for a similar feature. I need to display the batch number and dimensions. If we were able to access the x,y and timestamp of the Power Chart it would be much more powerful.