[FEATURE] Go and Select view in the project browser tree

Often the Project browser Tree is collapsed and it take some times to locate an opened ressources (especially view).

It could be very convenient to have a right click context menu on the tab of the ressources to go and select it in the project tree

@PGriffith, if this feature is within your scope and can be implented soon, I think it would save a lot of time for lots of designer user !




Ultimately I think this would just be a bandaid over the root problem - Perspective's editing logic is complicated, so sometimes (most of the time...) it doesn't select the view you're editing, when it's supposed to.
Fixing that seems like the better answer, but I can see some merit in something like IntelliJ's little bullseye widget, at the project browser level instead of attached to each individual resource editor...

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Yes sure this could be very convenient ! For very large project looking for the opened views or otherwise ressources in the project tree take Times and is quitte frustrating

I'm sure intensive user of Ignition Designer: @nader.chinichian, @nminchin, @JordanCClark, @bmusson, @pturmel, @gnguyen, @austral, @e.sagnelonge,
@Transistor, @Matrix_Engineering,...
would be interested by such improvments !

Yes and time to time when you save project the view tree collase and it is really hard to find the view again specially in complex view layout.
Also it is nice if we have related view path addressing.



This is definitely one of those little daily frustrations. Particularly when working with a project where there was no thought about naming and hierarchy. Has my vote!


Yes it's very annoying that the ressource tree always collapse when we override a ressource in a project with inherited projects !

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