[FEATURE] Increase Usability of Perspective Page Configuration

Once you start getting a larger number of page urls defined in a project, the existing page configuration UI becomes increasingly less user friendly to use (a bit like trying to select Perspective Styles in the styles.classes dropdown from a list of 50+ styles.. but that's another feature request :sweat_smile:)

What I'd like to see is more of a tree structure that splits the urls into a hierarchy of folders with the ability to add new pages into the folders.

It'd also be a nice feature to be able to auto-construct the page url based on the primary view's path, lowering case and replacing spaces with - or _.
E.g. viewPath: Winery/Site Services/Refrigeration/Page 1
auto pageUrl: winery/site-services/refrigeration/page-1

One of the biggest issues at the moment is that when you have a large page url list and you go to add a new one, it gets auto-named to "/new-page" and it doesn't get auto-selected to edit it, nor does the list bring it into view automatically so you have to go searching for it... very annoying :confused:


So would the folders be part of the page path? In your example, you'd have folders winery, site-services and refrigeration, with page-1 inside the refrigeration folder? Or are the folders just for organization?

Yeah I think that's how I'd imagine it. The pages would be the end nodes with a different icon. I'm planning to dev a view I can use in the meantime

Its embarrassing how many times this has bitten me, where i am thinking the one im editing is the one i just created.

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I've done that a few times before as well... customer: "I can't access this page anymore?", me to the Designer: :unamused:

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One issue would be that URL parameters wouldn't work the same (i.e. /winery/:winery_id/tank/:tank_id).

I think these could still be incorporated into it though, although I haven't really thought it through in detail :slight_smile:

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