[FEATURE] Perspective: Highlighting of selected table cells in Designer dialogues


For example, in the mapping transform table, it’s incredibly difficult to see which cell is selected for editing, as the selected cell highlight it a very slight shade different to the colour of the selected row.

Spot the selected cell for editing:

If you guessed the one on the left (congratulations), you would be correct:

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Just for future reference, we can change it with UIManager using the key Table.focusCellHighlightBorder, at least in version 8.1.9

Here’s my sample to have a black border around the focused cell.
Ps: I don’t know what are the proper padding values.

from javax.swing import UIManager
from java.awt import Color
from javax.swing.border import LineBorder, CompoundBorder, EmptyBorder

lineColor = system.gui.color(0,0,0)
lineBorder = LineBorder(lineColor, 1)
paddingBorder = EmptyBorder(4,8,4,8)
compoundBorder = CompoundBorder(lineBorder, paddingBorder)
UIManager.put("Table.focusCellHighlightBorder", compoundBorder)