The Perspective Moving Analogue Indicator is a bit underwhelming to look at, and has some glaring graphical "issues".
For one, the rectangles inside of the main border (e.g. the "normal range", "high/low alarm", etc.) appear to be rectangles with a stroke, which means that when the stroke from the main border and the stroke from the inner rectangles combine, they create a slightly darker "halo" due to how the anti-aliased edges combine, making it look super tacky. I don't think the inner rectangles even need strokes at all, but there only appears to be the option to remove stroke on everything.
add the option to add a scale/ruler to either side of the bar (or top or bottom if horz). Adding a separate linear scale component to the side is fraught with positioning issues
add the option to display the process value at the top/bottom of the bar instead of one that follows the triangle
option to size the process value triangle - I feel the default is far too large and clunky
make the component useably resizeable. Currently, everything just stretches, including the text.
Something like this is really nice and clean (and I'm in the middle of copying and building myself):