Fields Autofilling with Password Field Component

I'm designing a user creation form view in Perspective and am having unwanted behavior related to login information autofill.


The 'Username' field is a regular text field, and the 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' fields are perspective password fields. I want the user creation form to be completely blank when it's opened up, is there a way to avoid the autofilling?

My bet is that those fields were populated in the object when it was saved - it happens when you test from the designer.
Blank out the text property in the designer and save again, that should resolve it.

It shouldn't be that, because this view has parameters corresponding to each of the field values. When this view is opened to create a new user, each parameter is explicitly passed in an empty string "". Also notice how the field is highlighted blue, which wouldn't be the case if it was just leftover data.

Your browser is remembering the "form" from previous interactions. You can disable this at the browser level, but there's nothing you can do about it in Perspective.