File saving on gateway computer

In the past I have always saved files within Ignition using a mapped network drive path. I check if the user’s computer is correctly mapped prior to saving/opening files. I’d really like to save the files via the gateway to avoid mapping problems. I looked at the gateway message handler scripts but couldn’t get anything to work that route even after watching the IU video. Are there any other locations for gateway scripts? Preferably somewhere I could write a script (like a project or shared script) and just call it within a component on a client. Thanks!

You would have to use a message handler in the gateway (under gateway events) to receive requests from clients. You can do just about anything this way.

I have been looking for a way to access files on my gateway through my client. There is a process to do this through message handlers in gateway events. I think it would be much more convenient for a user to search it just as a file explorer component works on client. Are there any possibilities? Thanks!

No, they are different machines. The gateway filesystems are independent of a Vision Client's filesystems. You could emulate it with a tree component that is populated from messages.

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