File upload component / excel read


Trying to use File upload component to upload a excel file. Then I am trying to test out excel dataset read (I might when done put the read script inside the file upload component but currently just testing with script console while I figure out how I want to do script functions.)

So I have file upload that is saving file on gateway.
confirmed file is actually on the gateway

then in script console running this code that I found in forum

from import WorkbookFactory as WorkbookFactory, DateUtil as DateUtil, Row, CellType
from import FileInputStream
from java.util import Date

def excelToDataSet(fileName, hasHeaders = False, sheetNum = 0, firstRow = None, lastRow = None, firstCol = None, lastCol = None):
	fileStream = FileInputStream(fileName)

	wb = WorkbookFactory.create(fileStream)
	sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNum)

	if firstRow is None:
		firstRow = sheet.firstRowNum
	if lastRow is None:
		lastRow = sheet.lastRowNum

	data = []
	for i in range(firstRow , lastRow + 1):
		row = sheet.getRow(i)
		if i == firstRow:
			if firstCol is None:
				firstCol = row.firstCellNum

			if lastCol is None:
				lastCol  = row.lastCellNum
				# if lastCol is specified add 1 to it.
				lastCol += 1
			if hasHeaders:
				headers = list(row)[firstCol:lastCol]
				headers = ['Col'+str(cNum) for cNum in range(firstCol, lastCol)] 
		rowOut = []
		for j in range(firstCol, lastCol):
			if not (i == firstRow and hasHeaders):
				cell = row.getCell(j,Row.MissingCellPolicy.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK)
				cellTypes = (cell.cellType,cell.cachedFormulaResultType if cell.cellType == CellType.FORMULA else None)				
				if CellType.NUMERIC in cellTypes:
					if DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell):
						value =  cell.dateCellValue
						value = cell.numericCellValue
						if value == int(value):
							value = int(value)
				elif CellType.STRING in cellTypes:
					value = cell.stringCellValue
				elif CellType.BOOLEAN in cellTypes:
					value = cell.booleanCellValue
				elif CellType.BLANK in cellTypes:
					value = None
					value = None
		if len(rowOut) > 0:

	return system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, data)
dataset= excelToDataSet('<U+202A>C:\IgnitionUploads\Loadsheet1.xlsx', hasHeaders = False, sheetNum = 5, firstRow = 3, lastRow = 5, firstCol = 1, lastCol = 4)

But getting this response

Java Traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 62, in <module>
  File "<input>", line 6, in excelToDataSet
	at java.base/ Method)

	at java.base/ Source)

	at java.base/<init>(Unknown Source)

	at java.base/<init>(Unknown Source)

	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)

	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)

	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(Unknown Source)

	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)

	at org.python.core.PyReflectedConstructor.constructProxy( ‪C:\IgnitionUploads\Loadsheet1.xlsx (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)

any ideas why it is failing to get the file?

Do you not see the goofy character you have at the beginning of your file path?

I don't know where that is coming from

In a file upload, don't use a file stream. Just wrap the event's file bytes in a ByteArrayInputStream, and feed that to POI.

1 Like

Look a few posts further down from where you found my original script.

ok Here is my script in onFileReceived of file upload

def runAction(self, event):
	from import WorkbookFactory as WorkbookFactory, DateUtil as DateUtil, Row, CellType
	from import ByteArrayInputStream
	from java.util import Date
	hasHeaders = False
	sheetNum = 0
	firstRow = 3
	lastRow = 5
	firstCol = 1
	lastCol = 3
	fileStream = ByteArrayInputStream(event.file.getBytes())

	wb = WorkbookFactory.create(fileStream)
	sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNum)

	if firstRow is None:
		firstRow = sheet.firstRowNum
	if lastRow is None:
		lastRow = sheet.lastRowNum

	data = []
	for i in range(firstRow , lastRow + 1):
		row = sheet.getRow(i)
		if i == firstRow:
			if firstCol is None:
				firstCol = row.firstCellNum

			if lastCol is None:
				lastCol  = row.lastCellNum
				# if lastCol is specified add 1 to it.
				lastCol += 1
			if hasHeaders:
				headers = list(row)[firstCol:lastCol]
				headers = ['Col'+str(cNum) for cNum in range(firstCol, lastCol)] 
		rowOut = []
		for j in range(firstCol, lastCol):
			if not (i == firstRow and hasHeaders):
				cell = row.getCell(j,Row.MissingCellPolicy.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK)
				cellTypes = (cell.cellType,cell.cachedFormulaResultType if cell.cellType == CellType.FORMULA else None)				
				if CellType.NUMERIC in cellTypes:
					if DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell):
						value =  cell.dateCellValue
						value = cell.numericCellValue
						if value == int(value):
							value = int(value)
				elif CellType.STRING in cellTypes:
					value = cell.stringCellValue
				elif CellType.BOOLEAN in cellTypes:
					value = cell.booleanCellValue
				elif CellType.BLANK in cellTypes:
					value = None
					value = None
		if len(rowOut) > 0:

	self.view.getChild("root").custom.ds1 = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, data)

Here is the sheet I am uploading

results in

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<function:runAction>", line 46, in runAction
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getCell'

	caused by org.python.core.PyException
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<function:runAction>", line 46, in runAction
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getCell'

Ignition v8.1.33 (b2023101913)
Java: Azul Systems, Inc. 17.0.8

line 46 is

				cell = row.getCell(j,Row.MissingCellPolicy.CREATE_NULL_AS_BLANK)

so looks like I am getting None data into row

ok fixed that by changing my references to base 0

||hasHeaders = False|
||sheetNum = 0|
||firstRow = 2|
||lastRow = 4|
||firstCol = 0|
||lastCol = 3|
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Hi, I Have one issue. I want read multiple sheets. any solution?
Thanks in Advance.

take the first part of the "runAction" function above up to sheet=wb.getSheetAt(sheetNum)

make the rest of it its own function and call it for each sheet you want to parse data from. You will get a new dataset from each call. so you can either combine them if it is all the same data or figure out where to store the datasets created.

1 Like

Thank you for the inputs.
I want to Read last sheet number...
Thanks in Advance.

numSheets = wb.getNumberOfSheets()
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(numSheets-1) 

Apache POI Workbook docs. I suggest some reading is in order.