File upload component issue

Yeah i am getting the error in browser console. But i am not getting it as always for every file i have upload . I am getting this error even not for specific file. For any image file, it is happening randomly.

Yeah, that's not it. That has to do with when the view path of an embedded view changes. We're looking for something that includes the error you mentioned in the original post.

can u try with this file. i have place the size of file >500kb & <550kb

Those images are 135 kB, 119 kB and 72.4 kB. They will have been resampled and compressed by the Discourse forum software when you uploaded them.

Nice pictures, and unusual on this forum!

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For testing purpose, i have use this images. Original size was <30 kb of every image. I have increase their size from online sites, it my requests please increase the size of images in between >500kb & <550kb and let know u people are facing this issue or not.

This is a bug for which a likely fix is in the nightlies, targeting v8.1.36.

You even replied on that topic. :man_shrugging:

You should be testing against the nightlies to see if the bug fix works for you.

If this is urgent for production, you will have to do your own work-around (duplicate checking) in the file received event script. v8.1.36 is some weeks away.

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