'Find' not working

I am trying to use the Find/Replace function to find all instances of the text “[default]” in my View settings. When I use Find/Replace with a View open, it can find cases of “[default]”. However when I use the “All Views” option it doesn’t find any. Am I missing something basic here?

This seems to be working for me,

but let’s check a few things. Did you close/re-open the Find/Replace Window between searches? Any time you change the search String or an area to search in, you need to re-search by pressing the “Find” button. To help me troubleshoot, could you provide a few items?

  1. Close the Find/Replace Window.
  2. Open ONE View which you know has “[default]” used within.
  3. Set all of your checkboxes to active (checked).
  4. Set the search text to “[default]”.
  5. Set the Views category to only search “Open” Views.
  6. Click “Find”.
  7. Take a screenshot of the results (please post this screenshot).
  8. Now set the View category to use “All” Views and click “Find” again.
  9. Take a screenshot of the new results (please post this screenshot).
  10. If you are STILL encountering the issue, please set all of the checkboxes to inactive (unchecked) except for the View category, which should remain active (checked).
  11. Click "Find.
  12. Take a screenshot of these results (and please post).
  13. Now set Views to only search “Open” Views.
  14. Click “Find”.
  15. Take a screenshot of these results (and please post the screenshot).

(Before starting this I purposefully scattered some more "[default]"s around my project to make sure they were there).

(I am using Ignition 8.0.1).

  1. Open one view which definitely has “[default]”, open new Find/Replace window and set all checkboxes to active, only search “Open” Views, click Find. Worked as expected:

  2. Set the View category to “All” views and click “Find” again. Did not find anything:

  3. Set all checkboxes to inactive except for View category, click “Find” again. Did not find anything:

  4. Set Views to only search “Open” Views, click “Find” again. Worked as expected:

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I'm having a similar but slightly different issue. For my case - it appears that the Find/Replace tool simply will not search any extension functions of a power table. I removed a few queries thinking they weren't being used but thankfully was able to recover them when I realized the tool was wrong.

Not sure what else the tool fails to search. If anyone is curious, I'm on Ignition 8.1.17. Very disappointing since this will make cleaning up named query folders very time consuming and tedious. Hopefully this is fixed in future versions