Find paths of all tags in default provider

I’m attempting to read all tags in the gateway from the default provider and copy those to a database. I’m able to do so if I hard-code each tagpath using TagPathParser.parse(“string path”) , but is what is the way to do so without hard-coding? If I do:

TagPath path = TagPathParser.parse("[default]");

Is there a way to get the tagpaths of the list of tags?

Any help is appreciated.

def getAllTags(tagPath):
	appRoot = tagPath
	browseTagArray = system.tag.browseTags(parentPath="[default]"+appRoot,recursive=True)
	tagDataset = []
	tagHeaders = ['name', 'fullPath', 'type', 'dataType']
	for browseTag in browseTagArray:
		if not browseTag.isFolder():
			tagDataset.append([, browseTag.fullPath, browseTag.type, browseTag.dataType]);
	return system.dataset.toDataSet(tagHeaders, tagDataset)

This function will take a passed root folder and parse ALL the tags below that and return it as a dataset.
Be careful if you have a very large tag database, this could take a long time.

I assume I’ll need to download jython, then (sorry, I’m pretty new to java). Thank you, I’ll try this.

I don’t think he realized this was a module SDK question (this is a module SDK question, right?)

Yes, it is.

You’ll want to use TagManager#browseAsync, starting with the TagPath you built to the provider, and then continuing to browse recursively for all the results you get at each level.

So I’m using the 7.9 API and I still haven’t been able to access the tags. I assume my problem is that my nextNode string in getChildPath is empty? The project compiles but there’s no change to the database.

 public void findTags() throws IOException {
    	String nextNode="";
    	dpath = TagPathParser.parse("[default]");
    	tag = context.getTagManager().getTagProvider("[default]").browse(dpath);
    	while (tag.isEmpty()==true) {
			temppath = temppath.getChildPath(nextNode);
			tag = context.getTagManager().getTagProvider("[default]").browse(temppath);
    	String tagname=tag.get(0).getName();
    	TagPath name = TagPathParser.parse(tagname);
    	TagPath parent = name.getParentPath();
    	TagPath reversepath[]=new TagPath[]{};
    	TagPath temparr[]=new TagPath[] {};
    	while(parent!=dpath) {
    		TagPath pathslash = BasicTagPath.append(parent, TagPathParser.parse("/"));
    		temparr[0]= pathslash;
    		reversepath=ArrayUtils.addAll(reversepath, temparr);
    	for (int i=((reversepath.length)-1);i>=0;i--) {
    		wholepath= BasicTagPath.append(wholepath,reversepath[i]);
    	wholepath = BasicTagPath.append(dpath, wholepath);
    	wholepath=BasicTagPath.append(wholepath, name);
    public void readingTag() throws IOException{
		TagListener listener = new TagListener(wholepath) {
		context.getTagManager().subscribe(wholepath, listener);
		tags= context.getTagManager().read(listpaths);
		tagvalue = (int)tags.get(0).getValue();
		tagqual = tags.get(0).getQuality();
		Date df = tags.get(0).getTimestamp();
		DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault());
		tagdate = dateFormat.format(df);
		tagpath = listpaths.get(0);
	public void datacopy(TagPath tp,int value, Quality qual, String date) {
		try {
			dbconnection = GatewayHook.context.getDatasourceManager().getConnection("ModTest");//connect to db
		} catch (SQLException e) {
			logger.fatal("Database connection failed.",e);
		String query = String.format("INSERT INTO [ModTAGS].[dbo].[ModuleTags] (TagName, TagValue, TagQuality, TagTimeStamp) VALUES ('%s',%d,'%s','%s')",tp,value,qual,date);//insert tag list
		try {
			dbconnection.runPrepQuery(query);//insert tag list
		} catch (SQLException e) {
			logger.fatal("SQL copy fail",e);

I’d start by adding a bunch of logging to let you know how far you’re getting and if you’re getting the data you expect at each step.

Ahh man, sorry about that, I browse using latest posts, not by category. :blush:

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Not a problem!

It appears the problem is with my .getChildPath(nextNode) statement since no it returns the name of the tag provider ("[default]"):

TagPath dPath=TagPathParser.parse("[default]");
TagPath cPath=dPath.getChildPath("[default]");
nextNode = cPath.getItemName();
TagPath cPath2 = cPath.getChildPath(nextNode);
String sPath = cPath2.getItemName();

sPath (and cPath2) appear to be “[default]” and I can’t get the folder below it. What am I missing in the getChildPath parameters?

In case anyone has time, I’m trying to find the the path to a tag that may be nested inside a folder:
[default]/FolderName/Tag. However, getChildPath only returns the nextNode string parameter as a tagpath, not the child of that string. Is getChildPath the right way to go about this?

TagPath dPath=TagPathParser.parse("[default]");
TagPath cPath=dPath.getChildPath("[default]");
nextNode = cPath.getItemName();
TagPath cPath2 = cPath.getChildPath(nextNode);
String sPath = cPath2.getItemName();

sPath (and cPath2) appear to be “[default]” and I can’t get the folder below it.

Figured it out! I assumed using browse("[default]") returned an empty collection, but a folder is treated as a tag, so the name of the first folder is returned.

tag = context.getTagManager().getTagProvider("default").browse(dpath);
//tag.get(0) is TestPath (a folder in the tagprovider)