Flex Repeater load timeout error

I have a flex repeater (vertical, contains ‘rows’) of flex repeaters (horizontal, contains ‘columns’) with a flexible configuration. Each ‘cell’ contains a small view with an icon and a few labels. The JSON data passed to the ‘rows’ is simple:

                  "rowData": [
                      "line1": "Row 1",
                      "line2": "",
                      "line3": "",
                      "type": "title"
                      "line1": "( + )",
                      "line2": "",
                      "line3": "",
                      "type": "none"
                      "line1": "( + )",
                      "line2": "",
                      "line3": "",
                      "type": "none"

As more rows are added, the view’s load time in the designer increases proportionately. Somewhere between 300-400 rows the view will start to time out. The view screen will go black, and no further changes can be made to the view in the designer.

Work-around: Copy JSON and edit in an external editor, then paste back into the designer.

Neither gateway memory or CPU performance appears to be affected by the large load, so I suspect that the delays are caused by the designer itself.

Is there a designer memory or timeout setting that may allow ~700 rows to load?

I’m not 100% sure why you’re experiencing a slowdown, but I would recommend trying out Perspective’s Table component here. It’s built with large datasets in mind, so it may fit your use-case better. https://docs.inductiveautomation.com/display/DOC80/Perspective+-+Table