I have start Time and end Time like shift wise so, I have used the numeric field. for the start and end time so need to calculate duration. But i am not sure to get the correct format. of time like I need only hours and minutes. I need to entry the **start and end time Manual. I need format of of time in hours and minutes. After that need to display the End Time - Start Time in the duration last column
I need to enter the shift timing. Manual From Scada
this what exactly look like in vision. same has I need to do it in perspective.
Quite difficult to understand which component need to use un perspective.
Getting doubts on what format I need to use. for entering manual, form the ignition in HH=hours & MM=minutes. It's shouldn't exceed more than 24hours Start Time or End Time. Per shift 8hrs. but some time alternative shift will reduce or exceed their time. Duration will be calculated by the
expression like end time - minus start time