This can be accomplished using dateTimeInputs for the start and end time and a label for the duration:
You can either keep the arrows or hide them
setup for dateTimeInputs:
To hide the spinner arrows just set the style of the component to: { "overflow": "hidden" }
Note: you need to make the dateTimeInput small enough vertically for the overflow:hidden prop to hide the arrows
here's the expression I'm using for the duration label:
{../startDate.props.value} > {../endDate.props.value}, // date spans into next day
hoursBetween({../startDate.props.value}, addDays({../endDate.props.value}, 1)),
minutesBetween({../startDate.props.value}, addDays({../endDate.props.value}, 1)) % 60
hoursBetween({../startDate.props.value}, {../endDate.props.value}),
minutesBetween({../startDate.props.value}, {../endDate.props.value}) % 60
Credit goes to Paul for the duration calculation: