Please add format patterns that will display integer values in binary or hex.
The number format patterns in Ignition are Java format patterns which don’t have a pattern for hex or binary display.
You could use Python to convert the integer to hex and display it as a string. The following will do that:myInt ="Random/RandomInteger1").value
event.source.parent.getComponent('Label').text = hex(myInt)
If you need to do this in an expression, you should request a toHex() and toBinary() function that would take an int and return a string.
Please add toHex() and toBinary() expression functions that would take an int and return a hex or binary string respectively representing the integer value.
I should have looked before I typed.
For 7.7, we’ve already implemented toHex() and fromHex() as expression functions. We expect that to be released sometime this quarter.
I’ll put a note in that you would like to have toBinary() as well.
Perfect. Thanks.
More new expression functions have been added to Ignition 7.7:
Hope this does everything you need.
Thanks! Those will be useful on occasion, saving some Python scripting.