Format text mouseover


I’m having a problem regarding showing various information in the mouseover, where I’m not able to format the way the text will be shown, as can be seen in the following image:
The ideal is that each information appears in a line, in the manual it says to use the “\n”, but still it did not work. Can anyone help me, please.

Thanks for the answer,
But I couldn’t implement what was suggested, I’m developing in Visio. The function you gave me seems to be for the Scripting Console.

for Vision you have to format them with html:

<html>Line 1 here<br>Line 2 here</html>

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Did not work


it must be a strings, so you gottta put " around it in an expression

"<html>" + {Root} +"<br>" +  {Root} +"</html>"



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It worked, thanks for the help.

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