Forum RSS Feed

The following error occurs for the RSS feed on the forums:

An invalid character was found in text content.
Line: 66 Character: 715

                              <description>by Carl.Gould (Posted Wed Dec 31, 1969 4:33 pm)&lt;br/&gt;Ah, well, you're binding to a dataset. When binding to a dataset, you don't need a fallback value, since an empty dataset is a perfectly legal value. If you want some other dataset instead of an empty dataset on an empty selection, make a dynamic property (lets call it &quot;EmptyDataset&quot;, fill it with the values you'd like to see, and bind whatever dataset this is trying to fill in to an expression like:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;codewrapper&quot;&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;codetitle&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;Code:&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;codecontent&quot;&gt;if(&lt;br /&gt;

Huh, my rss reader hasn’t squawked at me, what reader are you using?

I get no rss button lighting up in IE7, if that helps…

Oh! I get an error on the rss link, as well. Sorry, forgot to add that. :blush: