Forwarding Client IP through Nginx proxy

Hi all,
We are currently trialing using Nginx as a load balancer / proxy.
We are able to access out perspective project and unsurprisingly our session is receiving the client IP as the proxy server.

I see this has been discussed a few times previously

However, upon some research I see Nginx can forward the client IP to a HTTP request header using X-Real-IP and X-Forwarded-For

They also state "Check your back-end application if they support any of these headers". So the question is, Will Ignition Perspective support these headers when using session.props.address and
If not could this be added to Ignitions functionality in the future?

We'll test this and I'll post my findings here for future reference. If anyone else has some experience with this I would love hear it!

There is a setting for trusting proxy headers in Ignition.

On the Config => Networking => Web Server page of your gateway.

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