I have multiple gateways for machines that I'm restoring from a single template gwbk, and it has a GAN connection to the site gateway already pre-configured. My intention was to simply reset the connection for the new machine and then re-accept the connection in the site gateway.
The machine gateway is configured to make the connection to the site gateway, e.g. it has the Outgoing Connection.
However, what i've noticed is that in the Id column, the UUID in brackets is exactly the same for both machine gateways that I've restored.
When I restored the second machine and tried to connect the GAN, the Id from the 1st machine swapped to the Id of the 2nd machine, with the Ignition system name changing but the UUID remained the same. This seems to be causing issues as I'm unable to setup the 2 GAN connections; they appear as a single line and seem to flicker between both system names presumably as they fight over the connection.
So my question is, how can I reset that UUID? and is there a different process that I should be following for this template gateway backup?