Is there any documentation or examples on how to use the environment variables GATEWAY_ENCODING_KEY and GATEWAY_ENCODING_KEY_FILE? We are using Ignition 8.1.38 and are hoping to be able to use these environmental variables to pass database credentials in a JDBC connection.

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The "encoding key" is a by default hardcoded key in the software that is used to obfuscate credentials stored inside the internal database, a SQLite file.

Since approximately forever, you've been able to specific a different encoding key via a JVM arg, i.e. in your ignition.conf file. But that's not very friendly for containerized applications, which is why new support for environment variables was added in 8.1.38.

This is all a bit moot, though; proper credential management using external secret stores is planned for Ignition 8.3.

Also, if it's not clear, this encryption key doesn't directly relate to any particular use such as a DB connection in Ignition - it's a single secret that is used to hash every credential stored in the internal DB.