Gateway event script tagChange getDatatype() Ignition8

We are working on translating our scripts from ignition7x to Ignition8 and we have troubles finding an alternative to gettag datatype in a gateway script.

Currently when a tag changes we get the value and datatype and trigger a call, but it seems its no longer available in Ignition8.

Current call to get Datatype that works in Ignition7

currentvalue = newValue.getValue()
currentquality = newValue.getQuality()
tagpath = event.getTagPath() 
datatype = event.getTagPath().getdataType()

for the datatype we get an error

'com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.tags.paths' object has no attribute 'getdataType'

I know you can get the datatype using a tag read, but I’m not sure if if you can get the type from the event object.

datatype = + '.dataType')

Did .getdataType() ever work? I would have expected it to be getDataType() - notice the capitalization.


@PGriffith you are right, there is a typo in the code pasted here, still doesn’t work in Ignition 8 after correcting it.

Complete testing code.

	logger = system.util.logger("OnTagChange")
	currentvalue = newValue.getValue()
	currentquality = newValue.getQuality()
	tagpath = event.getTagPath()
	datatype = event.getTag().getDataType() +' ' + str(currentvalue) + ' ' + str(datatype))
except Exception, ex:

In the log below, firts I remove the datatype row and its corresponding part in the log, it prints the tagpath + value in the log, then I add it back and get the error.

Thanks @bmusson

this did the trick, not as simple as the original, not sure if this can be simplified somehow.
datatype = + '.dataType').value

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