Gateway Events TagChange script - delayed effect and sticky

Hi for all. I've done some projects and stuff in ignition, but something's strage here.

I wanted to create a script that changes value of a tag when another tag changes values. (later opted to move to the tag script)
So I first tested by setting up a Gateway Event Script named "Test" triggering only on Value change of a single integer tag.
for start, the script i set as simple as possible: to set the value of another boolean tag to true

system.tag.writeBlocking(['...TagPath...'], [1])

Whatever I tried, it was not having effect at all. I left it aside and closed the day.
To my surprise, the next morning, I found that the script has activated itself, and started to work.
I said to myself, OK no idea what was the problem, let's enhance it. or move ot to the tag itself.

BUT I found out that whatever change I do, it has no effect for a long period of time.
Even setting Enabled to false and Apply, it has no effect at all and the script continues to run.
I later decided to not use a gateway script at all, and use a TagScript but when I deleted the single and only GatewayScrip, it was still working.

winter holidays came and went, and this year my first approach was to upgrade from 8.1.41 to the latest 8.1.45

To my surprise, after the upgrade i found that the Gateway Event Script that was deleted but still working, appeared back and is still working whatever I do with it (change, disable, delete)

I checked on the gateway at Status-GatewayScripts-TagChenge and it appears there as status SUCCESS

How can I delete this script and get rid of it in a way it will not have effect.

If it matters, the tag monitored for changes is part of a UDT inside of another UDT
I also tried to set up a script on a tag as a ValueEvent->ValueChanged but found the same problem that I have no idea what time has to elapse in order to have effect after hitting apply.

for the gateway script, I tried to disable it and restart the gateway, but to no effect.

It looks like the same delay happens if I try to setup a TagChange script directly on a tag it has no effect for a while.

Just to mention: the gateway has redundancy, and being it's purpose only IO-gateway, it is a RemoteTagProvider for a frontEnd ignition gateway. However, all tests were run on the IO-gateway where the tags originate. For testing purposes all tags are memory, but the tag that will be changed by the script will be an OPC tag when finding the right solution.

Below some screen captures before attempting to delete the script again.

I let this problem aside a while hoping to get any advice.
But nobody any clue why this happens?

Today I finally found the way around it.

It looks like I have to close with save, and reopen the designer after any change to gateway tag change scripts. otherwise, it does not take effect and continues to work as it was found when opened the designer.
No matter if I trigger a the tag change form within de designer's tag brower, or an already purpose built Perspective web session.

I did try even forcing to re-sink with backup, but no luck. I tryed even some gateway serstarts but with no luck.

Only designer close and reopen with save chenges helped to get rid of it.

As a habit, I am very used to often hit CTL+S to save may work even if unnecessary so
Why saving in designer does not have effect on Gateway event scrips at all?
running v8.1.45

That's almost certainly not the case. You should contact our support department officially so they can work through what you're seeing, and if there is an underlying bug, get it reproduced so we can fix it.