Looks like 7.9 made the Gateway Status Role in the Gateway Settings not nullable. So, add the Administrator group (or whomever you have in your auth groups) before upgrading to avoid faulting the gateway.
That’s one workaround, also (before upgrading) going into the internal DB settings and setting SYSPROPS.STATUSPAGEROLENAME to an empty string will fix things.
Hopefully we can get an rc2 out soon to address this.
Do you plan to create an Ignition 7.9 forum topic ???
We encounter the same issue about Gateway Status Role and another one more annoying :
Error deserializing property resource when open Project properties, Client / User interface in Designer.
The vision client can’t be launched…
I think I’ve successfully created an Ignition 7.9 board – let me know if you can see it and post to it.
mazeyrat, can you give us more info on the error you’re seeing in when launching the client? Post or email us what you see in the Java console. Thanks!
Kathy, it’s ok for the 7.9 board. I’ve posted more detail for the error in this new board.