Gateway Log Question

The SQlite-based log appender that the gateway webpage uses is controlled in the logback.xml file in the data directory.
You should see a section like this:

  <appender name="DB" class="com.inductiveautomation.logging.SQLiteAppender">
      Maintenance Settings
      entryLimit: The maximum number of entries in the database. However, at any given time, there may be more than this number, due to how cleanup works.
      maxEventsPerMaintenance: The number of event that can happen before a maintenance cycle occurs.
      minTimeBetweenMaintenance: The minimum time (max frequency) between maintenance events. Takes precedent over max events.
      vacuumFrequency: The number of maintenance cycles before a "vacuum" is performed, to recover disk space.

      On disk, most log events are between 600-800 bytes.

If you move the entryLimit tag out of the commented block, you should be able to define a different max event limit.