Gateway message handler exists but logs show not found

Was wondering if anyone had ideas on how to troubleshoot this further. I have stripped the code down to the most basic sanity check and still get an issue. I have an onChange event for a tag that scoops up some text for tag paths and then sends the payload to gateway message handler. according to the logs I can see the on change event fire but when it dispatches the message it acts like nothing is listening but I can see the message handler in the gateway

onchange script

log output

message handler

Is the message handler in an inheritable project? Those don't actually run anything. You need a leaf project to run actual code/handle messages. (With one exception: non-project objects can call functions in the gateway scripting project even if it is inheritable.)

From what I understand the gateway I am working on only has one project.

Since I scoped my sendMessage with "G" and the handler name matches on sendMessage and Gateway Messages handler I should be able to log out the payload passed to it like in my example right?

If you only have one project, why are you bothering with message handlers? Just make sure the one project is the gateway scripting project. Then your tag events can simply call the functions in your project script library directly.

(Message handlers, like any other event, should always be one-liners delegating to a project library script function.)

I didn't know about that setting in the gateway. That was the exact reason I went after messages was to have an onChange event trigger some project library code. Thanks for the shortcut.