I'm helping a customer troubleshoot a strange issue that we've seen a few times, and I'm hoping that someone here has seen it or knows what is going on.
There are three separate gateway systems, both redundant. Gateway A and B botch have an outgoing connection to Gateway C.
During the normal course of activities on Gateway A and B, they do a system.util.sendRequest to Gateway C and expect a response back from Gateway C. Some time over the past day, something happened and the connection between Gateway A and Gateway C was disconnected and then re-connected.
The gateway was showing all the connections as running, and the tag in the system folder was showing connected.
However, and this is where the problem is, any sendRequest or sendMessage to Gateway C from Gateway A failed on timeout.
I was able to get things going again by resetting the GAN from Gateway A to Gateway C in Gateway A's status page. After that all the things went back to communicating.
Is there anything I can do to try and diagnose what is going on? This doesn't happen often, however when it does it takes someone to reset the connections where there doesn't appear to be anything wrong from a status point of view.