Gateway Restore Different Network IP

If you are restoring a gateway backup and instead of using local host they are using a hardcoded IP address, is there a way to restore without writing over that network settings? The current IP address we cannot access from our network and the gateway is not reachable as a result.

No, but the HTTP address settings are in the directly readable gateway.xml file in the data/ directory of the install. You can make your changes and then restart the gateway.

So when backing up, from the designer, under add designer there is no localhost option. This leads me to believe backing the file up was set to a specific IP. In that xml file I found the code listed below it does not call out any IP in particular. Is there something I am missing causing this backup to not work properly? The backup file was sizable and the gateway service did not restart automatically after completing the backup. I was thinking this was due to the gateway IP moving and not being set as localhost but according to this file, it does not seem like it moved off of localhost. The site in particular has 3 gateways running and I assumed they were set up from the same terminal and not on the corresponding local machine but have no way to confirm. Thank you.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "[">](>)


<comment>Context Settings</comment>

<entry key="gateway.publicAddress.httpPort"/>

<entry key="gateway.publicAddress.autoDetect">true</entry>

<entry key="gateway.publicAddress.httpsPort"/>

<entry key="gateway.forceSecureRedirect">false</entry>

<entry key="gateway.metroSSLPort">8060</entry>

<entry key="gateway.includedCipherSuites">[]</entry>

<entry key="localdb.autobackup.delay">2</entry>

<entry key="context.startup.useautobackups">true</entry>

<entry key="gateway.sslport">8043</entry>

<entry key="gateway.maxKeepAliveRequests">200</entry>

<entry key="context.props.version">3</entry>

<entry key="gateway.port">8088</entry>

<entry key="gateway.useProxyForwardedHeader">false</entry>

<entry key="localdb.autobackup.count">5</entry>

<entry key="gateway.maxThreads">300</entry>

<entry key="gateway.connectionTimeout">60000</entry>

<entry key="localdb.faultbackup.count">3</entry>

<entry key="data.dir">data\</entry>

<entry key="gateway.resolveHostNames">false</entry>

<entry key="gateway.acceptCount">100</entry>

<entry key="gateway.keepAliveTimeout">60000</entry>

<entry key="gateway.excludedCipherSuites">[]</entry>

<entry key="gateway.publicAddress.address"/>


I honestly have no idea what you mean by this. Can you show a screenshot of what you're looking at when you describe this?

Gateway backups are only ever taken via the gateway web interface or gateway command line utility. The Designer has nothing to do with gateway backups. Within the Designer, you can import and export project backups and tags, but not the entire gateway's configuration. Further, the actual Designer has no concept of setting addresses - the set of addresses a particular Designer is communicating with is determined when it first launches, by the Designer Launcher application. The Designer Launcher is the only place you would enter the IP or hostname of a particular gateway in relation to a particular Designer, but it has no connection to backups and, indeed, is a totally standalone application with no ties to any particular gateway.

Your best resource to determine why a gateway is failing to start up is the wrapper.log file(s) in the Ignition install directory, under logs/.