GatewayHook initializeScriptManager lifecycle question

I am having a problem where the script manager doesnt seem to be initializing properly sometimes which makes me think it might be a race condition in the startup of my module. At what point in the gateway starting lifecycle is this initializeScriptManager called?

After setup, and then again any time as needed, e.g. modules stopped/started, gateway scripting project changing, whatever.

is that before startup then or after that?

Setup >> Startup >> Shutdown

"After Setup" doesn't mean "After Startup". And it is called many times after that as you edit projects.

In practice I think it's between setup and startup the first time, then possible again any time after.

But the docs suggest the only guarantee you get is after setup.

Ah I see, that might be my issue. I initialize my spring context in the startup not in setup. I wonder if after setup is done I have startup and initializeScriptManager running at the same time and there being a race condition.


I've never seen anyone have much luck trying to embed Spring inside Ignition via a module.

haha, yeah its not easy but it does seem to be working now. I think it was the spring context not being initialized in time.