Generate a list of alarm display paths in project?

I remember there being an issue with using queryStatus - I remember it excluding some tags.

Here's what I use to get a list of all configured alarms and their properties, originally written by @Kyle_Chase

	Finds all alarms within a given tagpath and return a bunch of the alarm properties.
Revision History:
    Rev     Date        Author          Comment
    1.0     ??          Kyle Chase      Original
    1.1     2022-10-21  Nick Minchin    Fixed bit in tagpath. Wrote results to clipboard as a CSV
    CVS to clipboard with alarm tag paths and collection of alarm properties.

path = '[default]Wynns/Winery/Tank Farms/Fermenters/SWAP/Tanks/C168'

def getAlarms(tagPath):	

	from com.inductiveautomation.ignition.common.tags.paths.parser import TagPathParser
	alarms = []
	def iterTagConfig(dictIn, folderIn = ''):
		keys = dictIn.keys()
		#Move tags and alarms to end of list.  I do not recall why, but it is really, really important.
		if 'tags' in keys:
		if 'alarms' in keys:
		for key in keys:
			#If the value of dictIn[key] is a dict, then it is a folder like structure that has child tags.  Iterate through this
			if isinstance(dictIn[key], dict):
			elif key == 'tags':
				for tag in dictIn[key]:
					if str(tag["path"]) != "_types_":
						iterTagConfig(tag, folderIn = folderIn + '/' + str(dictIn['path']) + '/' if folderIn else str(dictIn['path']))	  
			elif key == 'alarms':
				#This is what we are looking for.  Each tag in this alarm item is an alarm, so we add them to the list.  Use qualified tag paths because they are exact, and I hear they make you look cooler.
				for tag in dictIn[key]:
					tp = TagPathParser.parseSafe(folderIn+"/"+str(dictIn['path']) if folderIn else str(dictIn['path']))
					qp = "prov:%s:/tag:%s:/alm:%s"%(tp.source,tp.toStringPartial(),tag["name"])
					p = tag.get('priority', '')
					a = tag.get('activePipeline', '')
					dp = tag.get('displayPath', '')
					label = tag.get('label', '')
					name = tag.get('name', '')
					alarms.append([tp, p, a, dp, label, name])
					iterTagConfig(tag,folderIn = folderIn + str(dictIn['path']))	
	if tagPath:
		folder = tagPath
		#Root level browse
		nodes = system.tag.getConfiguration(folder, True)
		for item in nodes:
	return alarms

csv = '"tagpath","priority","activePipeline","displayPath","label","name"\r\n'
for t in getAlarms(path):
	csv += '"' + '","'.join([str(tt) for tt in t]) + '"\r\n'