Get all Config Categories

Hey Everyone!

I'm looking for a way to get a list of all the config categories on the gateway. I know there are constants like CONNECTORS, DATABASES, SECURITY etc. but I want to be able to get a list of all config categories including ones that other modules have created. The reason is I'm developing a group of modules and I'd like for all of them to be under the same config category. Being able to check if the category exists in each of my modules will allow me to determine if I need to create the category or use the category that another module created already. Thanks in advance!

If you only care about a category possibly created by one of your other modules, just go to the ModuleManager from the GatewayContext delivered during setup of your module and ask it for each module's config categories:

getGatewayModules returns a list of GatewayModule objects that have a getHook method that returns a GatewayModuleHook you can interrogate for its config categories.

Another approach would be to have a single 'core' module that defines this config category (and any other shared information) and mark it as a requirement in all your 'downstream' modules.

Also, a disclaimer that all of this web UI stuff is going to be completely different in 8.3.

This worked out perfectly! Thanks for the info!

And thanks for the heads up for 8.3.

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