Get dataset of tag values from dataset of tag paths

I have a current value I am reading in via plc. I have the tags set up as:
PV_Silo1TotalWeight (current value),
PV_Silo1TotalWeight-1, PV_Silo1TotalWeight-2, PV_Silo1TotalWeight-3, PV_Silo1TotalWeight-4, and PV_Silo1TotalWeight-5 as memory tags
I want to run a gateway script which every minute takes the current value and puts it into -1, put -1 into -2, and so on. I have a for loop which gets me the 5 tags paths of the memory tags but it is the whole tag structure. I only want the values of the tag paths and tried to . How would I get just the values?
I tried to make a list of just the values using the one code item commented out but it did not work:

silo1paths = []
silo2paths = []
silo1tags = []
silo2tags = []
silo1initvalues = []
silo2initvalues = []

for i in range(1,6):
	silo1paths.append('[Test]Process Trending/Delaq/PV_Silo1TotalWeight-' + str(i))
	silo2paths.append('[Test]Process Trending/Delaq/PV_Silo2TotalWeight-' + str(i))
	silo1tags = system.tag.readBlocking(silo1paths)
#	silo1initvalues.append(silo1tags[0].value)
print silo1tags

Here is printout:

Something like this:

silo1values = [qv.value for qv in system.tag.readBlocking(silo1paths)]
1 Like

Perfect! Thank you!

Or try my tags() expression function (from my Integration Toolkit). :grin:

If I had more time on the project I would look into it