Get Previous Day

hello everyone,

How do I just print the day.

What I want to do is, today, for example 14.12.2022, how can I get the day "13" for yesterday.

In short, how can I just print the previous day?

If you are using scripting and not an expression, then

yesterday =,-1)
# for just the day of month add this
dayOfMonth =

Thanks, can I use this in reporting schedule parameters?

How can I do it in the report?

Yes you can do this in a report, but for a parameter it is easier to use an expression.

getDayOfMonth(addDays(now(0), -1))


In the report parameters area, these buttons can show you available functions, logic operators, and browse for tag paths

You'll want to get familiar with these two webpages
System Functions - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation (
Expression Functions - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation (

Okey i will try these, thanks a lot.