Getbit opposite function

Is there a function that puts (writes) a bit into an integer?


Not sure where you are doing this, but you could just add them by converting the bit to an integer…
if by bit you mean binary…
int(‘bit’, 2)
ie: int(‘00000101’, 2)


Here is some additional information as to why I’m looking for this function.

I have 5 pumps at a water pump station that I need to start and stop (10 bits or binary values altogether). I want to write these bits to the local controller as a integer. The rest of the information that I’m reading and writing to the local controller are integers. This makes my communications easier to work with on the Master PLC.

Ok, then use Bit Maniputaion Operators.

I created a property to PumpNumber on the screen since you had 5 pumps.
This code assumes a couple things:

  1. This is the command and not the actual status.
  2. stop bit is first, start is second.

Put this on event handlers, action -> actionPerformed.

#Get Variables
pump = event.source.parent.PumpNumber
tempcommand ="Test/Pump_Command")
command = tempcommand.value

#Lets toggle the correct bits per pump.
if pump == 1:
	newcommand = command^3   #Toggle both start / stop bits for Pump 1
elif pump == 2:
	newcommand = command^12   #Toggle both start / stop bits for Pump 2
elif pump == 3:
	newcommand = command^48  #Toggle both start / stop bits for Pump 3
elif pump == 4:
	newcommand = command^192  #Toggle both start / stop bits for Pump 4
elif pump == 5:
	newcommand = command^768  #Toggle both start / stop bits for Pump 5
	newcommand = command
	system.gui.errorBox("No pump number selected")

#Lets write the new command.
system.tag.writeToTag('Test/Pump_Command', newcommand)

Since that code is too simple and I like checks…
I would use this code:
I did this as 1 button. This could be changed to two button system.

#Get Variables
pump = event.source.parent.PumpNumber
tempcommand ="Test/Pump_Command")
command = tempcommand.value

#This prevents errors if someone hits start/stop twice.
newcommand = command

#Lets map the bits per pump. (Start button)
if pump == 1:
	checkstop = command&1
	checkstart = command&2
	if checkstop == 1 and checkstart == 2: #Pump is commanded to stop and start, toggle stop bit 
		newcommand = command^1
	elif checkstop != 1 and checkstart != 2: #Pump is not commanded to start nor stop, toggle start bit
		newcommand = command^2
		newcommand = command^3 #Toggle both Start / Stop bits.
elif pump == 2:
	checkstop = command&4
	checkstart = command&8
	if checkstop == 4 and checkstart == 8: #Pump is commanded to stop and start, toggle stop bit 
		newcommand = command^4
	elif checkstop != 4 and checkstart != 8: #Pump is not commanded to start nor stop, toggle start bit
		newcommand = command^8
		newcommand = command^12 #Toggle both Start / Stop bits.
elif pump == 3:
	checkstop = command&16
	checkstart = command&32
	if checkstop == 16 and checkstart == 32: #Pump is commanded to stop and start, toggle stop bit 
		newcommand = command^16
	elif checkstop != 16 and checkstart != 32: #Pump is not commanded to start nor stop, toggle start bit
		newcommand = command^32
		newcommand = command^48 #Toggle both Start / Stop bits.
elif pump == 4:
	checkstop = command&64
	checkstart = command&128
	if checkstop == 64 and checkstart == 128: #Pump is commanded to stop and start, toggle stop bit 
		newcommand = command^64
	elif checkstop != 64 and checkstart != 128: #Pump is not commanded to start nor stop, toggle start bit
		newcommand = command^128
		newcommand = command^192 #Toggle both Start / Stop bits.
elif pump == 5:
	checkstop = command&256
	checkstart = command&512
	if checkstop == 256 and checkstart == 512: #Pump is commanded to stop and start, toggle stop bit 
		newcommand = command^256
	elif checkstop != 256 and checkstart != 512: #Pump is not commanded to start nor stop, toggle start bit
		newcommand = command^512
		newcommand = command^768 #Toggle both Start / Stop bits.
	newcommand = command
	system.gui.errorBox("No pump number selected")

#Lets write the command we need.
system.tag.writeToTag('Test/Pump_Command', newcommand)

I hope I explained what I am doing. Let me know if you have any questions.


Here is some cleaner code:

Start button:

#Get Variables
pump = event.source.parent.PumpNumber
command ="Test/Pump_Command").value

#Figure out the integer equivalent to the start / stop bits.
stop = 2**((pump*2)-2)
start = 2**((pump*2)-1)

#This prevents errors if someone hits start/stop twice.
newcommand = command

#Check if a pump is selected.
if pump > 0:
	#Lets map the bits per pump. (Start button)
	checkstop = command&stop
	checkstart = command&start
	if checkstop == stop and checkstart == start: #Pump is commanded to stop and start, toggle stop bit 
		newcommand = command^stop
	elif checkstop != stop and checkstart != start: #Pump is not commanded to start nor stop, toggle start bit
		newcommand = command^start
	elif checkstop == stop and checkstart != start: #Pump is commanded to stop and not start. toggle both bits
		newcommand = command^(stop+start)
	system.gui.errorBox("No pump number selected")

#Lets write the command we need.
system.tag.writeToTag('Test/Pump_Command', newcommand)

Stop Button:

#Get Variables
pump = event.source.parent.PumpNumber
command ="Test/Pump_Command").value

#Figure out the integer equivalent to the start / stop bits.
stop = 2**((pump*2)-2)
start = 2**((pump*2)-1)

#This prevents errors if someone hits start/stop twice.
newcommand = command

#Check if a pump is selected.
if pump > 0:
	#Lets map the bits per pump. (Start button)
	checkstop = command&stop
	checkstart = command&start
	if checkstop == stop and checkstart == start: #Pump is commanded to stop and start, toggle start bit 
		newcommand = command^start
	elif checkstop != stop and checkstart != start: #Pump is not commanded to start nor stop, toggle stop bit
		newcommand = command^stop
	elif checkstop != stop and checkstart == start: #Pump is commanded to start and not stop. toggle both bits
		newcommand = command^(stop+start)
	system.gui.errorBox("No pump number selected")

#Lets write the command we need.
system.tag.writeToTag('Test/Pump_Command', newcommand)
