I have seen that with the IA Labs Scripting module I can add a datasource and browse tags. Is there any way to browse or get a list of datasources properties? I read in the forum that I can invoke system.db.getConnections() using
GatewayInterface gi = GatewayConnectionManager.getInstance().getGatewayInterface();
List<SerializableDatasourceMeta> datasources =
(List<SerializableDatasourceMeta>) gi.invoke("DatasourceMeta.getConnections");
for (SerializableDatasourceMeta datasource : datasources){
System.out.println("DB Vendor: " + datasource.getVendor());
System.out.println("DB Description: " + datasource.getDescription());
but it looks like this only gives me access to information like vendor name and description. I was hoping to get access to the parameters jdbcDriver, connectURL, username, & password similar to when adding a datasource in IA LAbs.
system.db.addDatasource(jdbcDriver="MySQL ConnectorJ", name="MySQL", connectURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test", username="root", password="password", props="zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull;")
This way I can use this info to do things like add a table to the database from the module. Unless there is already some way to do this.