Getting line breaks into a text area?

Using vision.

I have a database table that has addresses in it as text. They seem to have line breaks built in, as when I populate a text area with them, they look like an address should

123 Fake Street
Some City, NJ 12345

Now I am trying to add a new row to the database and have it populate the text area as welll but it comes through as

123 Fake Street Some City, NJ 12345

I tried inserting \n and \r\n but not to no success. Not sure what else to try. Any ideas?

Nevermind, the \n was enough - Just forgot to refresh the data property that drove the text :upside_down_face:

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\n is not working for me. What did you do?

\n worked in the text area object, but not in the the other text object.
Now I just need to figure out how to center the text in the area and get rid of the border. I don't see a video that explains this stuff.

Using Markdown component you can do line breaks.

I ended up going with a label using html.
Found all the properties were being hidden by some filter on my current designer.

Vision doesn't have a markdown component. You should check the tags on topics to avoid giving bad advice.


If we had a dime for every time we've heard that...

I read somewhere that the dropdown filter is going away in 8.3


We'd likely suffocate from being buried under a pile of dimes?


Nicely done!

To be honest, I wasn't sure how to finish the sentence. In the past, we could simply say something like: "...I'd buy a [insert something of value here]", but unfortunately, with inflation being the way it currently is, I couldn't imagine anything of significance that a pile of dimes could purchase! :rofl:


It's a heavily paraphrased version of this: