I have a database table that has addresses in it as text. They seem to have line breaks built in, as when I populate a text area with them, they look like an address should
123 Fake Street
Some City, NJ 12345
Now I am trying to add a new row to the database and have it populate the text area as welll but it comes through as
123 Fake Street Some City, NJ 12345
I tried inserting \n and \r\n but not to no success. Not sure what else to try. Any ideas?
\n worked in the text area object, but not in the the other text object.
Now I just need to figure out how to center the text in the area and get rid of the border. I don't see a video that explains this stuff.
To be honest, I wasn't sure how to finish the sentence. In the past, we could simply say something like: "...I'd buy a [insert something of value here]", but unfortunately, with inflation being the way it currently is, I couldn't imagine anything of significance that a pile of dimes could purchase!