Maybe I'm just missing it, but it there someplace I can get this value or will I need to count them? Just want to display as part of a support screen...
Use system.tag.browse
You can use name=* then do a len(data) on the return from that method. You and mess with the wildcards to get tag counts from different sections of your tag providers.
Assuming you are on version 8.1.19 or higher, I would use the tag report tool.
Example script the tag report tool can generate for you, then get the length as @kyler.kamyszek stated,
provider = 'YourTagProvider'
query = {
"options": {
"includeUdtMembers": True,
"includeUdtDefinitions": False
"condition": {
"attributes": {
"values": [],
"requireAll": True
"returnProperties": [
results = system.tag.query(provider, query)
print len(results)
Thanks y'all. (Good Texas term)
Was just thinking they may have them stored somewhere I couldn't find. Appreciate the assist!