Ghost SQL query

Hi Support,

While editing a project I cleaned up my database removing a table no longer needed. Having done that I get an error message from FactoryPMI complaining about the deleted table. The strange thing is that the only object that referenced the deleted table was removed earlier.

This is the error message:

Gateway Error 301:
SQL Error: Table 'test.orreforsdaily' doesn't exist

For Query: <code>SELECT VARIANCE(MDKTFT2) FROM orreforsdaily
WHERE t_stamp BETWEEN '2006-07-01' AND ADDDATE('2006-07-01', INTERVAL 40-1 DAY)
-- GROUP BY fsqlgroup.t_stamp

On Component: <code><i>Unknown property path</i></code>

How can I remove this query that seems to remain in the project even though the component that it belongs to has been removed?



Hmm, that is very strange.
Could you isolate the window that this is occuring on? We would appreciate it if you could export the window (right click on the window in the project browser and choose export) and send it to

Also, what version of FactoryPMI are you using?


You have mail.



I don’t see it, mind trying again?


I have sent it again. The recipient is and I have not received any complaints from our e-mail server. I tried to find your personal e-mail address but I failed. If you post it I can e-mail it to you personally.

I can also put the exported window file on one of our ftp servers where you can pull it. We normally keep access to those restricted but I can open it up for you. would that be better?




I got it that time, hang tight, we’re taking a look.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Version 2.0.0 will have a fix for this bug. In the meantime, if you copy all of your components and paste them into another window the problem should dissapear.

Sorry about that,


Copying the objects worked just fine, thank you!

