Google G Suite sign-on to Ignition

Would it be possible to integrate the sign on process with Google G Suite for Ignition clients?

Currently, the state of things/plan is: in 7.9, no. In 8.0, yes, within the Perspective module. In 8.1, yes, everywhere.

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Do you know when 8.0/8.1 are going to be released?

8.0 is planned for February. 8.1 would be some time after that (projecting that timeline out is hard).

Anyone did it?

I'm trying to setup this kind of authentication, but when I use the test login function of the Identity provider the google login screen appears and then I select my login the return is

No IdP Response Data
The IdP response data is unavailable. Check the logs for details.

and the log show me the following:

WebAuthSessionImpl 13Feb2020 10:31:40 Unable to handle login response

I was setup everything by hand, after posting found this and the Gateway imported the configuration and the login works.

But Google does not return the email address by default, there is a way to ask for more information of the user?

Found that the scopes in identity provider settings can be configured to ask for more info and email is one of then.

Now I need to create a startup session script to use the user data?

Just out of curiosity, in your GSuite settings, what was the format of your redirect URI that you setup in your Google OAuth 2.0 setup?

Was it your ignition server callback url (from the IdP setup screen) or was it to a .com/.org