Granting permission to tap strip

I am a newbie to Ignition. I have a question about granting permission to a tab strip.
There are two Windows whose names are Window A and B.
While anyone can open Window A by touching Window A tab, only an authorized person logged in as an administrator can open Window B when he presses Window B tab.

I wonder if I can give authorization to each tap in the tab strip or not.
I cannot find any functionality like that in the tap strip properties.
It looks like I can give the authorization to the whole tab strip only like "Access Denied Overlay", "Disable" and "Hide".

It may be very simple, but I have been struggling with it for a long time.
I would appreciate it if anyone could give me advice about this.

Can you set the view permissions as you desire on the nested views in the tab? This should work and you won’t need security on the tab.


*assuming you use embedded views in the tabs

This is Vision, so no embedded views.

The proper approach is to set security restrictions on the window - let the tab strip attempt to open it and fail if the user doesn't have permissions.
If you set restrictions on the tab strip, you won't have any access protection on the window if you ever add another way to open the same window, such as a menu, button, etc.

Thanks franklepowski! Your answer is correct.
I was so stupid.I need to study and experience Ignition very much more.
Thanks again for your advice.

I am doing perspective exclusively anymore. It’s on the brain…..However the thought process aligns with Paul’s comments.