GUI - inputBox, configrmBox - Strange behaviour

Hi everyone,
in my application I have a strange behavior.
On a windows 10 client, it happens that the windows / dialogBox are not visible to Vision (inputBox, confirmBox, diagnostics window), while the opening of the popups and the change of pages inside Vision normally work.
Restarting the application, they return to being shown regularly.
It seems to be a problem related to Java.

Has it ever happened to you? What could be the causes?

Thank you.

I add that client is multimonitor

no other one did have same problem?

I found the cause of the problem

at Method)
at Source)
at Source)
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-2" java.lang.InternalError: Il processo corrente ha utilizzato tutti gli handle degli oggetti di Window Manager resi disponibili dal sistema.

For some reason the dialog windows (messageBox, confirmBox, diagnostic ...) are not clean by the GC.
I have to force a clean memory to restore the popup display.