Any idea how to create a "Help Desk" Style window in vision? I would like to create a window for operators in Production floor to be able to input any issues they encounter and address them to the appropriate department.
Sure. An overview:
The issue entry window (popup, I presume) would have a "send" button that takes the following steps:
Inserts the new issue in your database, captures the new primary key.
Sends a broadcast message to all other Vision clients with the primary key and department code in the payload.
Closes the popup.
In some other window, open issues are shown for a department to someone responsible in that department. When broadcasts arrive, the table of issues, queried from the database, is refreshed.
Possibly open popups on appropriate targets when the right kind of broadcast arrives.
And that could be a Perspective application if you have a licence. The advantage is that you don't have to install a Vision app for anyone that needs to review the messages - just send them a URL.
If Perspective is an option, I believe there's already something built in the exchange. could be used to notify specific departments upon submission.