HELP! Project suddenly not running but available in gateway and exists and is active

I have had a a project running in production for almost two years. Last week for the first time, the page went " View Not Found No view configured for this page" and when I go to gateway page from I can launch projects I see no projects to run! "You haven't created any perspective projects yet". However, I can see the project when I go to config projects page and it is active, and actually, I see scripts running in the logs with no issues and all db and device connections ok.

I had to restore the complete gateway backup to get it back and running again, but the logs show no problems whatsoever!

What could cause gateway not to be able to see or display a project? No changes were made in project at all before this happened...

EDIT Version 8.1.39

Save a copy of the logs before anything useful disappears. That's probably going to be the only chance of figuring out what happened at this point.

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Thanks Kevin. Saved.

Also more updates, I can open the project and all the resources, views scripts are there, except for the pages. All pages configurations are gone.

If I go ahead and create a home page again, the app works now but only with this page.

So whatever happened is associated with pages being deleted from the project.

I restored a previous copy of project only (did not restore gateway) and it works ok now. So whatever happened it looks like it was at project level and associated with pages. This had not happened ever before and it's happened now twice in two weeks. Any ideas appreciated.

You'll probably have to work with support to try to figure this out.

My only guess is that it's related to corrupt resource files somehow, likely caused by either:

  1. somebody using the Designer and saving that project, (bug, probably not doing anything wrong)
  2. hard crash/reboot of the Ignition server machine

It's unlikely that they just spontaneously went bad... something must have happened.

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This sounds like this long-running bug that many users (including myself) have experienced :cry:

[At first, I thought maybe your project became "Disabled" for a second, but I see in your screenshot that is isn't - I got similar behavior to what you describe with an accidentally-disabled project before]