Objective is to update selected index on another standard template based on selected 2 state toggle in template repeater.
I need to call a custom method on a template repeater from a 2-state toggle used on the template inside the repeater.
Template repeater method:
def checkReason(self):
templates = event.source.getLoadedTemplates()
for template in templates:
if template.getComponent('poiStatus').IsSelected == 1:
poi_desc = str(template.poi_desc)
if poi_desc in passList:
event.source.parent.getComponent('Reason').selReason = 4
template repeater>template>2-state toggle action performed event handler call to checkReason():
I have tried with up to 4 parents nested in this call. Still getting error that object has to attribute checkReason. Maybe I’m not understanding the parent part.
Try using
print event.source.parent.parent.parent.name
You probably just need another parent, or 1 fewer.
Printing the type can also help as well e. G. type(event.sourxe......)
Everything past just one parent is coming back as None from the print statement. Just one parent shows the name of the template. Two parents has none instead of the name of the template repeater.
There are additional 3 layers between the template and the template repeater.
Below is debug print result for an example of: Template Repeater > Template > Button. If I need to call customer method on the template repeater from the button within the template. I need use 5 '.parent'.
# Below is just debug print to check how to call a custom method on a template repeater from a component within a template
# You can see that there are additional 3 layers between template repeator and template
print 'name is', event.source.name,
print 'type is', type(event.source)
print 'name is', event.source.parent.name,
print 'type is', type(event.source.parent)
print 'name is', event.source.parent.parent.name,
print 'type is', type(event.source.parent.parent)
print 'name is', event.source.parent.parent.parent.name,
print 'type is', type(event.source.parent.parent.parent)
print 'name is', event.source.parent.parent.parent.parent.name,
print 'type is', type(event.source.parent.parent.parent.parent)
print 'name is', event.source.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.name,
print 'type is', type(event.source.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent)
below is output on console:
name is Button
type is <type 'com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.PMIButton'>
name is Template
type is <type 'com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.template.VisionTemplate'>
name is None
type is <type 'com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.TemplateRepeater$VerticalView'>
name is None
type is <type 'javax.swing.JViewport'>
name is None
type is <type 'com.jidesoft.swing.JideScrollPane'>
name is Template Repeater
type is <type 'com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.TemplateRepeater'>
Right or wrong, I don't like calling parent that many times. For me, it makes the code harder to read and trust. I prefer to use SwingUtilities for this sort of thing.
from com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components import TemplateRepeater
from javax.swing import SwingUtilities
repeater = SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(TemplateRepeater, event.source)
print type(repeater)
<type 'com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.TemplateRepeater'>
...but there is one caveat to this approach. Additional steps are needed to access custom properties or methods for any component obtained in this way.
See the following topic for more information on that:
Why can’t custom properties and methods be accessed from a component that is obtained using SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass?
Another option is to create a recursive library script that searches for the parent of a particular class. This method will return a component with its python wrapper still in place, so no additional steps are needed for accessing custom properties and methods.
def getParentOfClass(component, className):
parent = component.parent
if not parent:
elif parent.__class__.__name__ == className:
return parent
return getParentOfClass(parent, className)
If the above script were in a library script called componentScripts
, then it could be called from any component in the template with a single line of code, and would never matter how deep or shallow the component was nested in the repeater:
repeater = componentScripts.getParentOfClass(event.source, 'TemplateRepeater')
print type(repeater)
<type 'com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.components.TemplateRepeater'>
I agree with your method of create a recursive library script that searches for the parent of a particular class, I will add it in my library. 
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