Help with designer

Good evening I have a problem with the designer, he gives me this error message, I am new to Ignition, I am following the course at Inductive University, my version of Ignition is 8.1.3 and my operating system is Windows 10 Pro, they would be of great help If I could solve this problem in order to continue with my course, thank you.

Try running the client launcher as admin. I would say you don’t have privileges to delete files from that directory.

Just ran into this with my own designer (v1.1.7) after clearing the .ignition cache in my user folder for some unrelated troubleshooting.

After running the launcher in admin, I get a different error when I go to open a designer:

Luckily switching to a backup of the original cache lets me keep working, but seems like this could be a problem for some fresh installs?

Support recommended I delete my local cache (C:\users\[username]\.ignition for Windows), uninstall the designer launcher, and re-download/install from your gateway. That resolved the issue for me - may work in your case as well Oscar.

I did the same uninstall/reinstall for the Vision launcher, but not sure if it was necessary.

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Thanks, I was able to fix the problem by removing the .ignition folder and reinstalling the designer, again thanks for your help. Greetings